Thursday, January 8, 2009

New/Old Chuck Posts

It's 430 in the morning and a little too late for me to think, but I just came across some old Chuck gems and I have to post, here we go...........

Chuck Update - 10/29/08 - 7:24pm
Chuck : law students this friday are analagous to a complete shitshow as to the issue of it being halloween and being finally done with this huge memorandum.

1 Comment from Chuck's Friends

My thoughts:
Chuck Chuck Chuck. That is the worst sentence I've ever read. First off, you can't fucking analogize ANYTHING to being a shitshow. Something is a shitshow (Chuck), or isn't a shitshow (Oreos), things are never "like" a shitshow because shitshow has no meaning. The only thing worse than this Chuck Update is the comment from his friend. That patronizing son of a bitch. I'll bet a million dollars that Chuck thought his friend really found his update humorous.

Chuck Update - 10/30/08 - 8:38pm
Chuck is larc'd out after this week

My thoughts:
We've seen this one before! "Larc'd" is clearly short for larceny. Nevertheless, Chuck's creative use of the English language will not be very useful when he becomes a court reporter after law school.

Chuck Update - 10/30/08 - 8:52pm
Chuck needs to do something to remind myself i'm a human.

My thoughts:
Dear Chuck, updating your facebook status every 14 minutes will NEVER MAKE YOU FEEL HUMAN.

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